Please listen to our podcast generously hosted by bFM here.
Check out our listing on The Spinoff - Policy Local here.
Scoop has responsibly published our views on Transparency and Accountability improvements for Auckland Council here,
And our treatises on Freedom and Equality here.
The election results have been published here and the incumbent has been returned.
Although the results did not come out in our favour, we were pleased with our successes in the campaign. Our ideas became the key issues of the election after they were picked up by higher profile candidates. We were the first to call for a rates cap and a freeze on government spending. This was the number one issue that was copied by other candidates and it is now the official policy of the New Zealand Taxpayers Union. In addition, Aucklanders could clearly see the Regional Fuel Tax was unnecessary after the main projects were sent back to the drawing board. Our demands to cancel the fuel tax proved popular in community debates.
Ironically, we were not invited to debate these ideas in any broadcast debates and the community meetings were poorly attended by the media. Debates descended into the farcical when other candidates were asked to explain policies that they hadn’t written and poorly understood.
*** The mainstream media’s decision not to cover the campaigns of 18 out of the 21 candidates for Mayor of Auckland was a shocking dereliction of duty when 85% of Aucklanders said they wanted to see something different to the same old recycled politicians looking for a retirement job in local politics. Honourable mentions go to those media organisations which have realised that the internet is infinite and can easily accommodate coverage of all candidates. ***
Campaign to make Auckland Transport get serious about the Redoubt - Mill Road Corridor
The main reason why I decided to run for Mayor of Auckland was because of the 20 years of broken promises over a key arterial route in my community. Auckland Transport’s latest intervention in the Redoubt - Mill Road corridor proves that they have no interest in taking this arterial route seriously. They plan to install dynamic lanes where the direction of traffic can be varied according to peak demand instead of actually fixing the road. This represents even more delays to delivering an effective solution and will make the road more dangerous for other road users.
Redoubt Road is unsafe for pedestrians using the 2 major bus stops where many school kids are running across 4 lanes of traffic with not even a flush median or pedestrian refuge. My son and his friends use that bus stop regularly, and I fear it is only a matter of time before we see a fatality or serious injury. AT needs to get involved to provide a safe place for children to cross.
Donate to our Redoubt - Mill Road campaign at Givealittle

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